Academic Projects¶
Java Final Group Project - The Food Waste Reduction platform¶
The Food Waste Reduction platform is a waste management platform. With collaboration from restaurants, consumers, food suppliers, and charitable organizations, this platform promotes sustainability throughout the supply chain as well as efforts to reduce global hunger. This document explores the functionality of the application and provides insight into its layout.
Mobile Final Group Project - Airline Management System¶
This project is an Airline Management System designed to manage various aspects of an airline, including customers, airplanes, flights, and reservations. Each section of the application is handled by a different team member, ensuring a comprehensive and well-rounded development process.
Static Web Application¶
A personal portfolio includes a homepage, resume page, projects page, and contact page. This project was implemented using HTML and CSS.
Dynamic Web Application¶
Task Management Application was implemented using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL. This application includes features such as login and task management.
Business Intelligence¶
- Methodology: Gained proficiency in the Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) methodology, leveraging tools such as Weka and RapidMiner.
- Supervised Learning: Practiced supervised learning algorithms including K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) and Decision Trees for tasks such as classification and regression.
- Unsupervised Learning: Applied unsupervised learning algorithms like K-Means clustering to uncover patterns and groupings within datasets.
- Anomaly Detection: Utilized outlier detection algorithms such as Local Outlier Factor (LOF) to identify anomalies and unusual data points in large datasets.
- Regression Analysis: Implemented linear regression techniques to model relationships between variables and predict outcomes based on historical data.
- Data Visualization: Created visualizations using tools like Power BI and Tableau to present data insights.
The Spotify Streaming Data Management System is a robust application designed to manage and interact with extensive music streaming data. Utilizing Microsoft SQL Server for the database backend and Microsoft Access for the frontend, this system efficiently handles user data, playlists, albums, and subscription information.
Java(OOP + Design Patterns)¶
Library Management System was developed as part of the CST8288 course at Algonquin College. The system manages various library events such as workshops, book launches, kids' stories, and movie nights. The project demonstrates the use of design patterns, logging, and database operations.
- Assignment 1
- CST8288 010 Assignment 1 Report
- Assignment 2
- This project is an assignment for the Library Management System (LMS), developed as part of the CST8288 course at Algonquin College. The system manages various library events such as workshops, book launches, kids' stories, and movie nights. The project demonstrates the use of design patterns, logging, and database operations.
- Lab 1: This project is an implementation of a Vehicle Management System using Object-Oriented Programming principles. It includes various types of vehicles and provides functionality to build, manage, and display these vehicles. The project demonstrates the use of design patterns such as Builder and Singleton.
- Lab 2: DAO Design Patterns
- Objective:
- Demonstrate the Data Access Object (DAO) Design Pattern.
- Use the DAO pattern to consume a CSV file and update your database.
- Understand the importance of good input validation.
Mobile(Dart + Flutter + SQlite)¶
Week 3 Lab¶
Create a login page with two text fields. One is for "Login name" and the one below it for "password".
Week 4 Lab¶
Layouts by recreating this image on a page:
Week 5 Lab¶
Creating a second page for your app: Add a second page to your app called ProfilePage. Then when you use your login page, and your password is correct, navigate to your new page.
Week 6 Lab¶
ListViews: Create a "To Do" list application that lets users add items to a list. The user can type into a TextField and click "Add" which should then make the item in the List.
Week 8 Lab¶
Using Database with Flutter: This project demonstrates the use of a SQLite database in a Flutter application using the Floor package. The application allows users to manage a list of Todo items with the ability to add, view, and delete items. The data is securely stored using encrypted shared preferences.
Week 9 Lab¶
Responsive Layouts: This project demonstrates the implementation of a responsive layout in a Flutter application. The application adapts to different screen sizes to provide an optimal user experience on various devices. The Todo list application from the previous weeks is enhanced with a responsive layout that adjusts the display of the todo list and the detailed view of selected items based on the screen size.